Yesterday Ontario Minister of Labour, Monte McNaughton, introduced a new omnibus Bill 27, Working for Workers Act in Ontario, which proposes some important amendments to labour and employment regulations. We review some of the most noteworthy proposals below. Right

What is Bad Faith Bargaining? Bad Faith Bargaining is a term not easily defined however, a great starting point is, of course, the Labour Relations Act. Unfortunately, there is no mention of Bad Faith Bargaining. Don’t fret, as there

The History The International Day of the Worker, also known as May Day, is a holiday celebrated by millions across the globe to commemorate workers who died in the struggle for the eight-hour work day. In the

15,000 construction labourers in the Greater Toronto Area began striking on May 1st, 2022, putting a stop to both ground related and high-rise residential builds. These labourers include high-rise forming, house framers, hardwood installers and carpet installers,